Sponsor a Candidate
How to Sponsor a Candidate for the Signature Fellows Program:
Organizations that sponsor LGC Fellows seek a competitive advantage through leadership that ignites transformation. The bar is rising for leaders to be capable of inspiring change, innovation, teamwork and sustainable performance in their companies and organizations. By developing promising leaders with a broad perspective on the socioeconomic landscape of the city and region, and a commitment to positively impacting communities, your organization will emerge with the executive leadership needed for today’s world.
The LGC Signature Fellows Program attracts leaders who are taking on increasing responsibility. The program is suited for individuals in your organization who are:
- a key part of your leadership development plan,
- positioned to lead organizational change,
- interested in advancing their leadership development, and
- confronting challenges that require new approaches.
In turn, your organization will benefit from an employee who is:
- a more well-rounded, inclusive, and civic-minded leader,
- better informed and involved in community issues,
- part of a network of more than 1,500 of Chicago's most influential change-makers, and
- equipped to serve beyond their organizational walls to transform our region and make Chicago a better place for all who work and live here.
All candidates are required to be supported by their sponsoring organization, which includes participating in two retreats (early September and early June) and the monthly full-day First Friday programs (first Friday of the month, October-May), and a financial contribution ($20,000 for private sponsors and large nonprofits; amount scaled for smaller nonprofits, government, educational institutions, and entrepreneurs).
For more information and to discuss the best way to identify a candidate from your organization, please contact our team at programs@lgcchicago.org or 312.565.0300.